Iron Spirits is a creative services firm based out of Atlanta, GA that specializes in design consultation and master planning along with custom production, fabrication, and on-site installation. It was founded in 2002 by Eric Smith, a former Creative Director, illustrator and designer of over 35 years.      

       As an innovative leader in creative design and engineering, our team of highly specialized craftsmen are “free to create.”  This means that we are ready to activate any ideas that you bring to the table! 

       We are able to serve a wide variety of clients: from churches and religious organizations, to medical and dental facilities, restaurants and retail stores, corporate offices and headquarters, as well as educational institutions and theaters.       

       Why do creative spaces matter? They inspire innovation, growth and and they add a visual experience to your brand, thus making your organization a memorable landmark, not just a destination. Creative environments actually increase congregation and customer growth, workplace productivity, brand perception, and competitive advantage.